Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose


Pitter patter drip drap
Rainfall on the windowpane
Soft as a lover’s kiss

Rap rap tink tink
Like broken glass falling upon the ground
Gentle as an ocean wave

Splish sploosh splat
Puddles overflowing in streets
Peacefully chaoticly dancing

Nothing breaks its spirt
Everything gives it beauty
The water dancer never halts

Flowing, dancing, rolling and circling

In my picture, I am wearing the Poppy Jacket and Poppy Leggings from Blueberry. Both come in sizes for Maitreya, Slink Physique & Hourglass, and Belleza Venus, Isis, and Freya bodies. The leggings come with a hud that allows you to pick which type of booty you want because Blueberry created a new Blueberry booty but also included the standard booty option. You can also choose a yoga foot version or an under boot version in either booty type on the included HUD. An additional fun button is the wedgie animation because these leggings really hug every curve! The jackets include the option to have a double color effect on the cuffs and part of the front.


Hair: TRUTH VIP October – Makena ~ by Truth Hawks

Jacket: Blueberry – Poppy Jackets ~ by Blueberryxx

Pants: Blueberry – Poppy Leggings ~ by Blueberryxx

My Body Details

Sim: Sophia Harlow’s Land